In a
previous Blog, Do Not Settle, I
mentioned briefly about a guy I allowed in my life because of being physically
attracted to him. In this blog I will
delve deeper into describing the type of relationship that existed between us,
the lesson I learned from our encounter, and how God powerfully delivered me by
His love.
This guy
came into existence after I had vowed not to be sexually intimate with any man
other than my husband. Not knowing then that the decisions we make will always
be tested, I entertained him- his dirty jokes and strong sexual advances on me.
The fact that he was physically attractive was not helping either, it seemed as
if cupid had just placed the type of guy I had always envisioned to have right
at my door step! He pursued me consistently and during that time it felt great!
The “great” feeling however stopped as soon as we got physical. He then started to reveal information about
his girlfriend and all the other girls he’s had in his life. One moment he’d
make me feel like he truly wants me the next he’d tell me that he’s getting
married real soon and I should do the same. I would lie on bed after we
fornicated and he would talk on the phone with his girlfriend telling her how
much he loves her. He would reveal how he impregnated other girls or how he
hurt this other one or even how girls would fight for him. He would tell me how
he could have every girl around our student place, naming all the pretty girls
one by one, and tell me that he chose me instead. This was during the time I
was getting confused about the concept of Christianity. What we did felt good
and he would always assure me that what we were doing was not wrong. That’s
when I began to feel the overarching theme of those who’ve renounced Christ;
that I had been bound from enjoying my life to the full by an imaginary Supreme
Settling for
such a low life was not right and I knew it but it was difficult to stop simply
because psychologically this is the person I am supposed to spend the rest of
my life with. I remember how at a session with a psychologist I cried, “But
he’s the guy I’ve always wanted.” The psychologist’s response was, “Is he
really? When he makes you feel so sad and takes you away from your purpose?” I
was determined then to stop being blinded by physical appearance and good sex
and finally got the courage to finally heed Jesus’ command from Mathew 7:6 that I should not give dogs what is sacred
or throw my pearls to pigs. Because If I do, they may trample them under their
feet, and turn and tear me to pieces”. When I found helpful ways to leave him he was
very angry and called me foul names, saying how I can never compare to his good
girlfriend! Everything just felt like drama and was beyond my comprehension! Despite
that incident I still could not stop myself from going to him; I was so weak
and so desperately wanted him to see that I was not that cheap woman he perceived
me to be. So I went to him, made him food, baked muffins for him and his
friends, offered him my expensive tea, tried being the “perfect” girl in his eyes but
regardless of my deeds he could never see me in that way. I had given my
pearls, God’s image in me, His purity to the pigs and as a result I was falling
into pieces. I knew what the outcome would be eventually, I knew that I should
not give “my pearls to the pigs”, I knew my value or worth as God’s child, but
I still could not stop. Then I began being transparent with the Body of Christ
about my sin and in a matter of time God powerfully delivered me. Ignoring the
relentless pursuits to repent in private almost drove me into insanity but God
was gracious enough to put me back again- even stronger.
Transparency is the key to deliverance. We will not enjoy the Christian life if we are holding on to the pleasures of sin. Being transparent about our short-comings demonstrates that we are crying out for help, that we don't enjoy living a double life. Hiding our sin is walking in darkness, but bringing it to the light shows that we are walking with God, because God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. The Bible says in 1 John 1 :7, "If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." This is the basis of the Christian life.
Transparency is the key to deliverance. We will not enjoy the Christian life if we are holding on to the pleasures of sin. Being transparent about our short-comings demonstrates that we are crying out for help, that we don't enjoy living a double life. Hiding our sin is walking in darkness, but bringing it to the light shows that we are walking with God, because God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. The Bible says in 1 John 1 :7, "If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." This is the basis of the Christian life.
So what Gospel
do we preach to the many women I represent, “who know their worth” but can’t
deliver themselves from sin? Do we
condemn those whom in blindness keep running back to the same men who devalue
them? Do we misunderstand those who
unconsciously believe that they are not worthy of being loved hence they settle
for a low life? What Gospel do we preach
to women who “have it all together”, have a high self-esteem, excelling in
worldly achievements, offering tithes and actively participating in Church
activities, but with souls wearied down by fornication which takes away their
image? The Gospel of compassion as demonstrated by Jesus in his interaction with
the woman caught in adultery; the Gospel of forgiveness when he uttered”
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”. The Gospel of Christ in it's entirety states that we are all wretched sinners in need of a Savior, and that Savior is the Son of God who died for all our sins. His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness and gives us a right standing with God. There is no good in us except in God. Faith in His Son Jesus Christ gives us confidence and freedom to approach Him, not our good works which are like filthy rags in His sight. The Gospel that saves is one of grace, of forgiveness of sins, of repentance, and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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