
A prayer to God to remove any character defects

God, I'm willing that you take all of me. I surrender myself to your care- body, mind, and soul- for however long I'm going to be here. I cannot change myself. I've tried for years and made a mess. Your love for me sees past that, and I thank You for that. I thank you for everything that's taken me from all the pain I've been in- the confusion, the lack of clarity- to this place where we're entering into an active partnership, with you shaping me into who I am to become. I realize I don't have to fear that I'll lose myself. The truth is, I've lost myself in all these past unhealthy relationships. 

I understand that this is an act of love on Your part to help me find myself and discover who I really am. I pray now that you might take all of me- good and bad, defects and strengths- and use me in your service. I humbly ask that you might take my shortcomings and turn me into who You, in Your omnipotence and wisdom, want me to become. I thank You in advance. I understand that at times this process might not be easy. I do ask for a favour. Sometimes, I don't understand things. Please be as gentle as possible with me, and show me what I am to do in a way that I understand. Let me feel Your loving touch and be assured of Your guidance. 

Turn me into a warrioir and a loving person, someone whom You can use in Your kingdom to help others heal and to fulfill Your plan for me. I trust You to fill in all the details of how I can best learn what I'm to learn, change what I'm to change, and be of the greatest service to You and others. I thank You for all You've done for me up until now. I thank You in advance for what's coming.Take self-will and fear from me. Take financial insecurity and the fear that I can't take care of myself. Help me to see myself a little bit at least the way you see me. Keep me on track. Let my will be alinged with Yours, and remove anything that stands between them. As much as I can, help me let go of my need to control and be in denial. Give me the courage to face the truth. Reveal my purpose to me- why I'm here on earth, what You want me to do, and who You want me to be. More than anything, help me let go of desiring and wanting. Help me become an open channel of love, awareness and healing for other people, so by my actions they still want to serve you too. Help me let go of narcissim, vainglory, and seeking superior. Instead, let me be clear about who is the Master and who is the servant.All the days of my life, help me to remember that I'm not here to acquire things and power, but to be of loving service.


Today, Creator of the universe, we ask that You help us to accept ourselves just the way we are, without judgment. Help us to accept our mind the way it is, with all our emotions, our hopes and dreams, our personality our unique way of being. Help us to accept our body just the way it is, with all its beauty and perfection. Let the love we have for ourselves be so strong that we never again reject ourselves or sabotage our happiness, freedom and love. From now on, let every action, every reaction, every thought, and every emotion, be based on love.

Help us, God, to increase our self-love until our life is transformed from fear and drama to love and joy. Let the power of our self-love be strong enough to break all the lies that tell us we are not good enough, or strong enough, or intelligent enough, that we cannot make it. Let the power of our self-love be so strong that we no longer need to live our life according to other people’s opinions. Let us trust ourselves completely to make the choices we must make. With our self-love, we are no longer afraid to face responsibility in our life or face any problems and resolve them as they arise. Whatever we want to accomplish, let it be done with the power of our self-love. Starting today, help us to love ourselves so much that we never set up any circumstances that go against us. We can live our lives being ourselves and not pretending to be someone else just to be accepted by other people. We no longer need other people to accept us or tell us how good we are because we know what we are.

 With the power of our self-love, let us enjoy what we see every time we look in the mirror. Let there be a big smile on our face that enhances our inner and outer beauty. Help us to feel such intense love that we always enjoy our own presence. Let us love ourselves without judgment, because when we judge, we carry blame and guilt, we have the need for punishment, and we lose the perspective of your love. Strengthen our will to forgive ourselves in this moment. Clean our minds of emotional poison and self-judgment so we can live in complete peace and love. Let our self-love be the power that changes our life. With this new power in our hearts, the power of self-love, let us transform every other relationship we have, beginning with the relationship we have with ourselves. Help us to be free of any conflict with others. Let us be happy to share our time with our loved ones and to forgive them for any injustice we feel in our mind. Help us to love ourselves so much that we forgive anyone who has ever hurt us in our life. Give us the courage to love our family and friends unconditionally, and to change our relationships in the most positive and loving way.

 Help us to create new channels of communication in our relationships so there is no war of control, there is no winner or loser. Together let’s work as a team for love, for joy, for harmony. Let our relationships with our family and friends be based on respect and joy so we no longer have the need to tell them how to think or how to be. Let our romantic relationship be the most wonderful relationship; let us feel joy every time we share ourselves with our partner. Help us to accept others just the way they are, without judgment, because when we reject them, we reject ourselves. When we reject ourselves, we reject You.

Today is a new beginning. Help us to start our life over beginning today with the power of self-love. Help us to enjoy our life, to enjoy our relationships, to explore life, to take risks, to be alive and to no longer live in fear of love. Let us open our heart to the love that is our birthright. Help us become Masters of gratitude, generosity and love so that we can enjoy all Your creations forever and ever. In Jesus name- amen.

A prayer to keep believing in God's Word

Dear Father,

The one thing Satan attempts to do is break down my faith in Your Word. I have doubted, disbelieved and disobeyed Your Word as a result. I repent of my sin in doing so. Please help me realize Satan’s tactics; and please keep me in the realm of faith. May I trust Your Word more than I trust my senses. I know I will be tempted in these three areas: The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Keep my heart from being prideful whatever means necessary. Let me never again live my life independent of Your Word. May I always have this approach, ‘God, what should I do?’ as I go along in life’s journey. May my spirit always remain connected to You- My only Source of life! Please keep my spirit man alive. May I never become ignorant of Your Word and may my heart not be hardened towards You. Help me refrain from living in such a way that cuts direct contact with You. Keep my soul from being infected with rebellion, lust, corruption and perverted desires. Protect me from falling victim to Satan’s deception. I pray all this in Jesus name, amen.

A prayer for a life partner

Father please bless me with a partner who’s both a leader and a healer. A partner who devotes to fulfilling my deepest desire to be loved, cherished and appreciated both passionately and intimately. A person of exceptional character who’s fun, considerate of others, one who chooses to do the right thing even when it’s difficult.

I pray for a man who understands and values commitment, a man committed to his principles and lives his life by a strict code of honor. A man of high ideals who values all that is good and decent in the world. Please bless me with a man who’s committed to his purpose in life, someone who lives to serve the world and gives the very best of himself in some productive pursuit.

Please bless me with a partner who’s proactive in treating his family, friends and associates with respect, tolerance and honor. A fearless, dutiful, valiant, civil, faithful, honest and devoted man. I pray for a man who’ll arouse my feminity who’ll make me feel desirable, beautiful and secure. A man who possesses a strength of character and resilience, someone I can grow with and who’ll help me reach my full potential. I pray for a partner who’ll fulfill me both physically and emotionally who makes it his duty to ensure that my deepest needs for physical and emotional intimacy are met.

I pray for a partner who’ll travel with me often- and plan unforgettable experiences with me. A man who’ll take the initiative to ensure that my life is filled with romantic fun and adventure. A man who’ll be creative in our love life and treats me as if I’m the most important person on earth.  I pray for a man who’s led by unchanging ideals, values, principles and ethics. A man who has a high sense of self-respect, who’s self-reliant, independent and highly capable at leading himself and his family in the best way he possibly can. I pray for a man who knows what he wants and is determined to get it, a man of courage and integrity with goals and standards.

Finally Lord, please bless me with a man who’s not easily swayed by the crowds but one who adheres to his own inner locus of direction. A man who knows how to deal with conflict, can make intelligent decisions, can exercise emotional control, and can practice sound judgment. May my partner be someone I can admire, respect and follow. In Jesus name- Amen

A prayer of faith to the Lord

Father, thank You for the gift of salvation You have wrought in my life. I love You because You first loved me!  I did not chose You, but You chose me to bear fruit that’ll last. You love me and have called me to follow You.  Teach me how to quiet my heart and listen to You as You reveal Your plan and vision for mankind. Please give me unwavering faith and boldness to say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid, what can man do to me?”(Heb 13:6)

I pray to serve You wholeheartedly. May my life bring glory to You, may it result in many lost souls coming into the kingdom of God. Help me to move forward in obedience, withstand attacks and opposition when You reveal Your plans to me.  I know that things don’t always go smoothly.  I will not be surprised when hardship and persecution become my close companions as I walk on the road of obedience to You.  Your covenant with your children is based on the shedding of blood and sacrifice, help me to make the same commitment You’ve made for us.

I believe You have placed a calling upon my life; please give me courage, faith and endurance to see it become a reality; help me endure till the end. I want to follow You and do something great for Your kingdom; and I do realize that the road will be marked with much opposition, slander, criticism, false accusation and pain. But I know You will provide me with comfort and grace as I follow You. You don’t abandon me to my own devices, otherwise I wouldn’t survive. Your love sustains me in my darkest times, and Your comfort overwhelms me when I feel discouraged, sad or lonely.

I have determined in my heart not to give up, “ I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me” (Micah 7:7). I know You will help me Lord and You  fulfill Your purpose in and through me. In Jesus name, Amen.

A Prayer to God, to help you serve in your home-
From Sally Clarkson's book, The Life Giving HOME

Lord Jesus, thank You for serving crowds, washing toes, holding children gently in Your arms, and healing even old women who take from You. Let me learn from You, that I might give in the same way to those You bring into my home.

Teach me to find practical ways to lighten loads that are carried through my doors. Help me to have patience with the grumbling hearts, the frustrated ones who carry their depressed mood s wherever they go. Help me to remember always that “a gentle answer turns away wrath” (Proverbs 15:1)

Allow me to walk in humility that others may see my failures and the grace You have given me every day. Help me remember that Your strength is made perfect in weakness, and make me quick to ask for forgiveness. Let me remember that my home is a holy place where You do Your work.  And here may the touch of Jesus, the words of Jesus,  the love of Jesus, the truth of Jesus be served every day to all who hunger for Your reality.

In the name of the most generous servant of all, precious Jesus, we come with grateful hearts. 

Prayer for strength to do what God calls you to do

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus: thank You for this opportunity to lay out my request before You. Thank You for your listening ear and Your supernatural presence. Today, I pray for a new determination and a fresh vision to follow You. I ask that You grant me strength and sustain me in the storms of life.  I want to be a soldier of Christ; so I pray for boldness and strength to spread Your gospel. Let me carry out the mission You gave me despite challenging circumstances.  I pray for discipline in my spiritual walk, especially in the areas of prayer, scripture reading and submission to Your will.

Father, I pray for a Caleb spirit that says, “I am well able.” Well able to do everything  You call me to. Put in me a different spirit and a heart that follows You wholeheartedly. Thank You that You will complete what You’ve begun in me.  When it comes to serving You, let me never focus on the size of the task but let my eyes be on the size of my Lord Jesus; since with Him everything is possible. I pray for strength and courage during difficult times of opposition in the work You’ve called me to, let me be totally convinced that what I’m doing is borne out of Your will and plan.

When Satan uses people to attack and slander me, let me not sit around feeling sorry for myself. But help me Lord to move forward in a spirit of forgiveness, meekness, fire and more determination to follow You. Let me never be distracted from following You. I pray to find strength in You my Lord.  Jesus said to his disciples, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”(Acts1:8), therefore, I also pray dear Father, that You fill me with Your Holy Spirit and empower me to spread Your gospel wherever You send me. With Your help it will be done.

Father, You have the power over my life, I dedicate my life to living for You and spreading Your Gospel. Please sustain me in Your supernatural power as I step out in obedience to the great commission. It is In You that I find strength, peace and overwhelming joy. Amen

Prayer for your husband

Dear Lord, thank You for the privilege of uttering prayers for my husband. Thank You for Your listening ear and Your promise to grant my prayer requests in the name of Jesus.  May my husband derive his identity from You.  May he maintain a vital spiritual connection with You. May he live with courage knowing that You are with him wherever he goes.  May he walk in the authority of Christ; please provide him with mentors (men walking after Your own heart) who will lead by example, and to whom he’ll be accountable to.

May you heal my husband from the wounds of his childhood, be a Father to him Lord! Deliver him from the masculine fallen nature of passivity and violence.  May he know his place in the family and in society. A warrior, Oh Lord; a man who resembles Your heart. May I find rest in his God-given strength.  May my husband live with the understanding of knowing that he needs you more than he needs me or anyone  else for that matter. You created husbands to love their wives-  that is what real men do. So, I pray that my husband  will be a real man who’ll love, pray and fight for me.

Please bless my husband with wisdom to understand his true design.  Let him pursue and live in his God-given purpose. Let him take his place in Your mission which transcends even home and family. May he listen and hear from You about who You’ve created him to be. May he live in keen awareness and enlightenment of spiritual reality and his position in it. Give him a vision Lord, to live for a cause greater than self.  Bless him with courage and strength to remain in the spiritual battle, to not conform , but to live from what You speak to his heart and always stand his ground.

Break the chains of limitation in his mind! May he know himself and know he has what it takes! May he be confident in his purpose and strength. From knowing that You believe in him, may he also believe in himself. Instead of fighting each other, may we fight together! May my husband live from his true self; building upon his strengths and improving his weaknesses. May he never hide his true masculinity behind pornography, laziness, aggression, passivity, people-pleasing, addiction, and the likes; but rather run to You with his weaknesses and allow You to cover him.

Lord, take my husband through experiences that will mold him to live in humility, selflessness and gratitude. May he walk steadfastly in the journey You’ve called him to- a journey of freedom, healing and authenticity. Thank You Lord for what you are doing in his life! May he live a life full of adventure, animation, motivated by God’s Spirit. May he come alive in his purpose, at the same time having an ongoing intimate relationship with You.

Be his friend Lord…
His companion…
His Lover…
His stronghold…
His validation…
His Counselor…
His fighter…
His Life.
In Jesus name, amen.

Prayer for the Armor of God,
paraphrased by John Eldredge

Lord, I put on the belt of truth. I choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity.  Show me the truths I so desperately need today. Expose the lies I’m not even aware I’m believing. I wear Your righteousness today against all condemnation and corruption. Fit me with your holiness and purity- defend me from all assaults against my heart. I do choose to live for the gospel at any moment. Show me where the larger story is unfolding and keep me from being so lax that I think the most important thing today is the soap operas of this world.

Jesus, I lift against every lie and every assault the confidence that you are good, and that you have good in store for me. Noting is coming today that can overcome me because You are with me. Thank You Lord, for my salvation. I receive it in a new and fresh way from You and I declare that nothing can separate me now from the love of Christ and the place I shall ever have in Your kingdom.

Holy Spirit, show me specifically today the truths of the Word of God that I will need to counter the assaults and the snares of the Enemy. Bring them to mind throughout the day. I agree to walk in step with You in everything- in all prayer as my spirit communes with You throughout the day. Amen 

Prayers for Home

Thank You Lord for the gift of home. May my home be a space of nourishment, joy and comfort for all who shelter within it. May it be a stronghold and a safe place from the troubles of life. May my home be a place of abundance where all those who dwell in it have their needs nourished and met. May they  be sheltered; not only in their body but also in their spirit. Thank You Lord for such a wonderful gift.

May my home be a refuge for the soul, a place where beauty can be encountered, truth told, goodness touched and known. May my home shelter lost and weary people, draw in the lonely and cover the grieved. May souls be grown, nourished, and healed in the bleakest of physical or spiritual battles. May my home be a place where love makes people feel welcome, a shelter from which no one will be expelled.

May my home be a place to create, to pray, to dream both individually and collectively. May there be a sacred, calm and quiet time created where God’s still small voice will be heard. May it be a place where family comes into from their daily battles to find refuge and draw new strength.  May my home be a place where time to share stories; create memories, and share visions is set apart from the busyness of the internet, hours at work, and entertainment. Instead of being carried away, consumed by life’s demands, I pray that my home will be a place of planning ahead where those who dwell within learn to form their schedules rather than simply suffer them.

May my home be a place of feasting, where nutritious recipes are tried out and fellowship over meals exists. May we have a culture of hard work; preparing meals and tidying up together. May we have picnics, supper, lunch, breakfast, coffee and tea dates. God, grant that my home be such a shelter, comfort, and a refuge who’s windows are bright in welcome , drawing the lonely and wandering in from the troubles of life.


  1. It's always amazing to read your blog. He is a faithful God. He will will grant you what you asked, never get weary. I love you

  2. May God almighty bless your work. Thanks for the prayers. To have thought of someone other than yourself is a greater blessing. Thanks the thought of me. I'm truly humbled.

  3. It is a pleasure. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!
