Monday 11 March 2013

The Proverbs 31 Woman

Who can find a virtuous woman like me??

 I am worth far more than jewels!

My husband puts his confidence in me, and he will never be poor!
As long as I live, I do him good and never harm.
 I keep myself busy making wool and linen cloth.

I bring home food from out-of-the-way places, as merchant ships do.

I get up before daylight to prepare food for my family, and to tell my servant women what to do.

I look at land and buy it, and with money I have earned I plant a vineyard.

I am a hard worker, strong and industrious.
 I know the value of everything I  make, and work late into the night.
 I spin my own thread and weave my own cloth.
I am generous to the poor and needy.

 I don't  worry when it snows, because my family has warm clothing.
 I make bedspreads and wear clothes of fine purple linen.

 My husband is well known, one of the leading citizens.
 I make clothes and belts, and sell them to merchants.

.I  am strong and respected and not afraid of the future.

I speak with a gentle wisdom.

I am always busy and look after my family's needs.

My children show their appreciation, and my husband praises me!

 He says, “Many women are good wives, but you are the best of them all.”

Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honors the Lord should be praised.
Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone!

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